Katrina Widener Coaching

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How to Love Someone Who Is Being Coached

When you hire a life coach, you're deciding to actually make a change instead of just thinking about it. It's a commitment that requires stepping out of your comfort zone. And the truth is, that's scary! Coaching is still a fairly new practice of self growth, so here are a few tips for those who might not know how to support a loved one going through their life coaching process.

1. No Judgment, Please
Our brains are trained to protect us from pain, from fear, from discomfort. And it doesn't just stop by worrying about things in our own lives -- we fear for those we care about as well. If your loved one is being coached, they're going to change. And you need to let them! They've discovered they are unhappy, and if you step in the way of their growth you're only holding them back. 

2. Support, Support, Support
In addition to providing a judgment-free zone for them to feel safe in, support is the number one thing they'll need from you! If their new endeavor requires risks, or stepping out of their comfort zone, I can guarantee they've already understood this and accepted it. Constantly reminding them of the uncertainty will only make them reluctant to share with you. Instead, ask questions about what they're doing, how it makes them feel, what they're excited about -- and get excited with them! And in the moments when they are feeling overwhelmed or insecure, use those opportunities to build them up. Show them that you believe in them, and you're proud of them for making this change in themselves.

3. Grow With Them
I am a firm believer that we never stop growing, evolving, changing. There is never a point where someone is done learning or improving themselves (me included!), so jump in with them! The benefits go both ways: If they see they've inspired you, they'll work that much harder to inspire others as well. And in return, you get to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality, too.

Share your thoughts with me in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/


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