Katrina Widener Coaching

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The Importance of Purpose

Let's take a moment to channel Simon Sinek. When running your business, it's most important to let your purpose and your "why" rule above all else. It's a concept we've all heard time and time again, but it really isn't a practice most companies (and people) actually act on. In a way, this is one of the most frustrating things to witness as someone who is building an entire business around their purpose, and making sure it's one that represents all parts of who I am as well.

I started being a life coach because I knew I was naturally talented at making people feel good about themselves. It's not something I needed to be trained on. It's not something I fell into. It's the perfect embodiment of who am I and what my purpose on this earth is. 

Now, I describe my coaching as empowering and uniting badass female entrepreneurs in the Twin Cities. And each blog post I write, each social account I post to, each client I take on -- it's all in service of my purpose.

Sinek says, "Great companies don't hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them." If you don't know WHY your company exists, then your employees won't either. They won't be inspired or motivated to work for you, and simply put, they won't be able to respect you. And if your employees are quitting in hoards, they're not leaving your company. They're leaving you.

If you make every decision based off your purpose, those who align with it will be loyal. They'll work twice as hard because they'll believe in what they're doing. They'll be inspired by you, and will inspire their coworkers in turn. It's incredibly simply, but often overlooked. Lead with your why and the who, what, and how will follow.

Share your thoughts with me in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/


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