Katrina Widener Coaching

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How to Prepare to Work with a Life Coach

It happens time and time again — I’m about to start working with a new client, and they ask me “What do I need to do to prepare?”

The truth is, there isn’t a lot of actionable items you’ll need to do. Some people ask if they should prepare information for me to review for our first session, or get started on homework before we begin meeting together. But because I firmly believe our coaching relationship should be catered to you and your specific goals, I don’t like assigning homework before we really get to know each other (aka first meeting — I go quick, kids!).

So what should you do to prepare? What are the ways you can make sure that we’re getting started on the right foot?

#1) Work your mindset muscle

Whether that means listening to your favorite personal development podcast, reading a self-exploration book, or simply meditating every day, you want your mind to already be in work mode. I jump in immediately, so it’s of the utmost importance that you’re ready to go right away, too.

#2) Declutter your home, your brain, your life

A great way to prepare your mind for change is to give it the room for new ideas. Getting rid of things that no longer serve you — whether they’re physical items or old beliefs — is a great way to set yourself up for success when working with a coach.

#3) Be ready to come with an open mind

Your coach is going to share with you new techniques, tactics, tips, tricks, topics, etc. Your job is to be open to hearing them and implementing them in your business (and in your personal life). If you come in thinking you have all the answers or are unwilling to try new things on, you’re not going to get very far and we’re not going to be very successful.

Basically, it all boils down to getting your mind in gear more than anything else!

Do you have any other questions you’d like me to answer? Share in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/

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