Katrina Widener Coaching

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The Myth of Self Doubt

Let's take a moment and talk about one of the biggest (and most foolish) secrets that entrepreneurs deal with every day. Everyone is fighting the voice inside their head telling them they're not good enough.

Part of why I love being a life coach is the people I get to spend time with, and the connections we make with one another. Time and time again, I hear my colleagues and friends telling me how they carry self-doubt, or feel like they're putting up a facade with their clients. Questions like "Am I providing enough service?" or "Am I making the right decisions?" have them paralyzed with the inability to look within and see their accomplishments for what they are. So let me tell you this: Every single entrepreneur I've spoken with carries this inside of themselves. Seriously. It's not a sign that you're doing the wrong thing, or that you're not capable of your job. It's a sign that you're human.

If you're someone who regularly feels this sense of self-doubt, here are a few tips for overcoming that sense of fear and loneliness:

1. Don't hold it in.
For too long, we've lived in a society of closed doors, where we've been taught that to share your fears and anxieties with the people around you is a sign of weakness. In everything I've learned, it's a sign of strength. People are drawn to authenticity, to being real. I'm not interested in making a false connection with someone who isn't willing to be an honest representation of themselves, and I'm done hiding who the real me is. Talk to your colleagues, your community, your friends. Let them know how you're feeling, and not only will you find a sense of camaraderie when you hear their stories, but you'll learn you're not alone in feeling this way. 

2. Talk to your clients.
At the end of my time working with someone, I ask them for a testimonial. I request specific, direct feedback of our time together because I honestly want to know what their experience was. And each time, I'm blown away by their heartfelt descriptions of the service I was able to provide for them. Reading their words never gets old, and it instantly brings me back to the core of my business -- helping others feel confident, supported, and loved.

In addition to getting the good feedback, ask how you can improve! Are you wondering about whether to create a course on organization or on self care? Ask your clients. Are you curious if they'd be interested in a new item in your shop? Ask your clients! Looking for ways to expand your business? ASK YOUR CLIENTS! They're the ones you're catering to, so why waste your time guessing when you can get real, clear results.

I hope this helps you entrepreneurs out there to face your self doubt and ground yourself when feeling overwhelmed, lost, or simply out of sync. I guarantee you are rocking it!

Share your thoughts with me in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/


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