Posts tagged business planning
Why Every Entrepreneur (Yes, You!) Should Have an Email List

What is the number one thing most entrepreneurs want?

More business.

More clients/customers/products out the door/money in their pockets. More, more, more.

So we market ourselves. We create blog posts and podcasts, we advertise our services and post our products on social media. We use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube to reach our audience. We optimize our websites for search engines and we attend networking events like it’s nobody’s business. We send off cold call emails and we ask for referrals, go live on social media, sponsor events, and host giveaways. And we send newsletters.

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How to Find Your Community

One of the things we struggle the most with as humans is finding that person-to-person connection with others. Whether it’s finding a close friend group to support you, fellow colleagues and professionals to commiserate with, or a family to help us on our journey, relationships are at the heart and soul of any true balanced life.

So how do we find that community when we need it the most? Sometimes it feels so elusive, like everyone around it has one except for us. But here are the top tricks for finding your perfect community.

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Where Should I Market Myself?

When starting a business, there are often a slew of things you want to figure out right away: business plan, pricing structure, website, products and/or services, etc. And generally, this are all things that people can figure out on their own, whether they have a background in business and marketing or not.

But the one area that I see people get stuck time and time again is in acquiring clients and customers. Where do I advertise? Do I advertise? What social media platforms should I use? How do I promote myself? Where should I market?

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What to Look for in a Life Coach

Working with a life coach can literally change your life — I know it did for me. But if you’re not working with the right person, or are struggling feeling like you’re on the same page as your coach, it can be a struggle instead. It’s so important that your coach is someone you trust and respect, and has your best interests at heart. Here are some of the top things to look for when finding the right life coach for you.

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26 Ways to Find Clients Now

It’s not exactly a secret that if polled, the number one thing entrepreneurs would respond with when asked what they need more of, it would be clients. So how do you find them? Where do you go to meet that elusive ideal customer? Here are 26 ways you can draw in new clients.

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Should I Barter My Services?

When you exist in the entrepreneur world, there are often a lot of services you need: social media management, search engine optimization, branding photos, business coach, marketing assistance, accountants, financial planners, virtual assistants, etc. And I can almost guarantee that if you offer one of these many services, you will be asked to barter. Social media for coaching? Photographs for accounting?

So the question arises: Should I barter my services? And if so, when?

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Why I Coach Entrepreneurs

If you read my blog post covering the entirety of my entrepreneurial journey, then you’ll know why I became a life coach. But I wanted to further dig down and tell you all why I chose to work with entrepreneurs specifically.

Life coaches can cover a wide variety of demographics. Everything from health coaches to relationship coaches, executive coaches to accountability coaches. It’s not common to hear about a life coach for entrepreneurs. So why not consider myself a business coach? And why only work with business owners?

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