Posts tagged motivation
How a Life Coach is Different From a Friend

When I first started coaching, I never anticipated the amount of people who would compare what I did to a friend they have, or a relationship they’ve cultivated. And I often hear the question: “Is it like that?”

So let’s clear things up once and for all.

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How to Sell Yourself Like a Pro

There is only one truly key item you need in order to run a successful business: the ability to get your product in front of your customers and sell it to them. But selling yourself, your products, or your services doesn’t always come naturally. So how do we train our brains to know how to do this without sounding awkward, without feeling pushy, and without turning the customer off? Follow these easy steps to find out!

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Adding Authenticity to Your Business

Okay, I know authenticity is a controversial word in the entrepreneurial world. Some people absolutely hate it, while others talk about it incessantly. But I think it's one of the most important parts of running your business, so let's break it down and talk about why.

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Self Care Rules To Live By

Self care is a topic I'm passionate about. It's something that I devote a significant part of my business and platforms to speaking on, and it definitely is a concept that needs to become more prominent in today's world. Very rarely does our culture, our corporate structure, or our personal lives put any importance on building a life of balance. But it's so, so necessary! These three rules are how I keep myself in check -- try them in your life, too!

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