Self Care Rules To Live By

Self care is a topic I'm passionate about. It's something that I devote a significant part of my business and platforms to speaking on, and it definitely is a concept that needs to become more prominent in today's world. Very rarely does our culture, our corporate structure, or our personal lives put any importance on building a life of balance. But it's so, so necessary! These three rules are how I keep myself in check -- try them in your life, too!

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The Road of Resistance

When we think of the hurtles in front of us before starting our businesses, things like stability, self-doubt, and isolation pop up. But how often do we truly face the truth and think of the biggest roadblock of all: internal resistance. I'm talking procrastination, excuse-making, distractions, the whole nine yards.

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The Importance of Purpose

Let's take a moment to channel Simon Sinek. When running your business, it's most important to let your purpose and your "why" rule above all else. It's a concept we've all heard time and time again, but it really isn't a practice most companies (and people) actually act on. In a way, this is one of the most frustrating things to witness as someone who is building an entire business around their purpose, and making sure it's one that represents all parts of who I am as well.

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