Why Your Potential Clients Are Ghosting You

why am I losing client leads?

We’ve all had it happen. The seemingly perfect client pops up, we feel an amazing connection, and just know that we’re going to work together ... and then we never hear from them again. It’s incredibly frustrating, and makes us feel like we’re wasting our time. We ask ourselves — why, why — aren’t they working with us? Everything seemed so perfect! We were ready to get started! Where did they go, and why?

Well, let’s take a look at some of the most popular reasons why our service-based clients may walk away and never look back:

1). You don’t offer a free consult or session

I tell my clients this all the time: People may come to your website/social media/newsletter because of what you offer, but they’ll choose to work with you because of you. So if you’re not offering them a chance to talk to you, to really get to know you, what’s going to make them want to work with you? Sure, you can include copy on your website that gives them an in-depth look into who you are and what you have to offer. But it’s not the same things as sharing a conversation and truly feeling the relationship out.

2) You’re not demonstrating your value to the customer

One of the most important aspects of website copy is properly showing your clients exactly what they’re going to get out of your time together. Explain your experience, expertise, what sets you apart from the competition — and your results. They want to know what they’re getting for their money upfront, and if you’re not displaying that, they’re not buying it.

3). You’re not automating responses

Maybe it’s that you’re taking too long to respond, or that your messaging isn’t consistent, but if you’re not using an automation system (think Dubsado, Honeybook, 17Hats, etc), you’re missing out. Clients want a streamlined process, where they are the number one priority, and automation gives this to them. It makes the whole system so easy: immediate responses, thought-out copy, a way to instantly schedule their consult or meetings (Dubsado has it’s own scheduler now!). Simplify, simplify.

4) They’re not ready, or you’re simply not the right fit

We don’t like to talk about this, because somewhere along the line many entrepreneurs were taught to take whatever client comes their way. But thankfully, this mindset is changing for the better. Sometimes, a client simply isn’t supposed to work with you (or at least right now). Maybe it’s personal reasons that keep them from being able to devote the time, or an unexpected expense came up. Or, maybe you’re simply not the right fit. I always want my clients to have the best experience they can, even if it’s not with me. And honestly, if either of us are forcing the fit, it’s not going to work out well for anyone.

What have been your experiences with clients ghosting you? Share in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/

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