The Importance of Purpose

Let's take a moment to channel Simon Sinek. When running your business, it's most important to let your purpose and your "why" rule above all else. It's a concept we've all heard time and time again, but it really isn't a practice most companies (and people) actually act on. In a way, this is one of the most frustrating things to witness as someone who is building an entire business around their purpose, and making sure it's one that represents all parts of who I am as well.

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How to Know When to Quit Your Job

As many people know, I've spent many years in the professional realm as a marketing specialist and social media manager. So how did I know when it was the perfect time to close up shop and make my passion a reality? Find out three of my top hints for knowing it was the right time to quit my job, and how to tell when it's time for you to move on.

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