Most Common Client Goals

what are the most common goals clients have

Marketing, mindset, empowerment, community, self care, business planning, goal setting, time management, burnout, imposter syndrome — these are just a few of the topics I cover in this blog, and with my clients.

But the one thing I find most entrepreneurs are curious about is which of these are the most common. It’s a question I get asked time and time again: “What do most people who work with you focus on?”

There are a couple of reasons why this happens. For some, it’s pure curiosity. For others, it’s a way to see what areas they may need to focus on themselves and figure out what’s next in their business.

But most often, people wonder what my clients and I work on because they want to feel like they’re not alone in this entrepreneur learning curve.

Most of the time, those of us who start our own businesses know how to make the products or provide the service. But everything else is brand new to us. We haven’t been trained in business planning, project management, marketing, accounting, and everything else that your business requires from you. So knowing that we aren’t alone, that others are learning right along with us — it makes the journey less isolating.

So, without further ado, here are the three top goals my clients generally choose to focus on:

#1) Confidence

Confidence is number one, because it’s the most common goal. No exaggeration, I’d say around 90% of my clients (of all time!) feel like they’re figuring it out as they go. Whether confidence to them means being able to feel like they deserve a place in the market or that they’re not providing enough value for their clients, this goal is the one that pops up time and time again.

It’s why part of my entire business hinges on the idea of empowerment. With the right mindset, the right marketing, the right community, you’ll feel like you’re rocking this whole entrepreneur thing. And that’s the goal.

#2) Clarity

Oftentimes, we get so caught up in working in our business, we forget to look at the bigger picture. Instead of figuring out what comes next, where we want to grow, how to we want to evolve, we’re stuck editing the photos, scheduling the meetings, posting on social media, etc. You need to be able to see the forest and the trees, and devote appropriate time to each.

Having someone to bounce ideas off of, to take you through the exercises to make sure an offering fits your brand, to help you nail down what direction you’re heading in — it’s what coaches in general are amazing at helping you figure out. We’re here to make sure you know where you’re going and how to get there.

#3) Marketing

While this is a topic most of my clients focus on, I’m aware enough to know that it’s likely because of my background (not an overall common coaching client goal). That being said, my background is extensive: Digital editor and writer for Better Homes and Gardens, social media manager, marketing specialist, etc. I’ve spent a lot of time learning a lot of marketing tactics, and I get really excited to continue to learn more.

This is all information I love to share with my clients. Whether it’s doing a website audit, editing their social media copy, nailing search engine optimization, or really digging into email campaigns, this is one of the areas most entrepreneurs haven’t been trained in before building their brands.

The reason I’m sharing this, is because I really want to help entrepreneurs feel like they’re not on their own in their businesses. No matter who or what company you look at, they have their own struggles and challenges, their own fears to overcome. They outsource help and they are never done learning. We need to stop expecting so much of ourselves and start sharing resources, start normalizing the entrepreneur journey, and continue to raise each other up in our businesses.

What are some of your biggest goals right now? Share in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there:

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